WEE School

WEE School

The Weekday Early Education program (WEE School) at Wynne Baptist Church sets as its purpose

The Weekday Early Education program (WEE School) at Wynne Baptist Church sets as its purpose

  • To provide a happy Christian environment in which children can grow spiritually, socially, mentally, and emotionally.
  • To provide opportunities for the church, school, and home to work together in meeting the needs of the child.
  • To help the child develop a good self-concept,
  • To help the child develop his/her ability for establishing satisfying experiences and relationships in working and playing with those of his own age.
  • To provide a stimulating climate for learning with opportunities for self-expression, investigation, and participation in group activities.

Learn About WEE School



The Weekday Early Education Program (WEE School) is conducted in the Wynne Baptist Church located at 1200 Bridges Ave E, Wynne, AR 72396. The telephone number is 870-238-8993.


The WEE School is under the general supervision of the Senior Pastor of Wynne Baptist Church. It is under the direct supervision of the WEE School Director and the WEE School Committee elected by the church membership. The WEE School is licensed by the Department of Human Services. Licensing requirements can be read here

Registration and Tuition


A registration fee of $250.00 is payable with the application for enrollment. Registration forms are available on our website (wynnebaptist.org) All registration forms must be returned before the child may be enrolled. Enrollment for two and a half and three-year-old class does not automatically enroll the child in the four-year-old class. Registration fees are non-refundable. Enrollment is on a first come basis.


Tutition in the WEE School shall be as follows:

All tuition is used directly for the operation of the School. The church supplements the WEE School through the use of the facilities, utilities, custodial help, etc. The church does not profit from this ministry.

Tuition is based on a full year commitment.

***Prices are subject to change for 2025-2026 school year.

  • 5 Day Students: $2,750.00 (10 payments @ $275)
  • 3 Day Students: $2,000.00 (10 payments @ $200)
  • 2 Day Students: $1,500.00 (10 payments @ $150)

All tuition is due the first day of the month. Even though the number of days of each month are not the same, the WEE Schoo Board divides the fees into ten equal monthly payments. The first payment is due August 1 and the last is due May 1st. There will be a late charge of $25.00 added to the next month payment if paid after the 10th day of the month. (Any tuition payment not paid in full by the tenth of the month is considered past due.) Payments will be sent on the 1st of each month with a link to pay via credit, debit or ACH. If you want to pay with cash or check you can do so by paying the full semester or full year. (WEE School Tax ID Number: 71-0383903)


Tuition for a child entering a monthly program after the first of the month shall be figured on a pro-rated basis for the remainder of that month and the regular fee thereafter.


No refunds or deductions will be made for withdrawal, absence due to family illness or holidays. The tuition charge may be adjusted in the case of an extended illness of the child at the discretion of the Director.


Notification two weeks in advance of a child being withdrawn gives the school time to process another child’s application. If it becomes necessary for you to withdraw your child due to illness or moving out of the area, payment will be expected in full for that month. Due to the budget being based on full enrollment, withdrawal for any reason will still require the full year’s tuition, until that vacancy has been filled.

2025-2026 Supply List

Hours and Schedule


The WEE School shall operate Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon. The doors will be opened at 7:45 a.m. All teachers will be in their classrooms at 7:45 a.m. Please bring your child/children between 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. For the safety of all children, the doors are locked at 8:15 a.m. and reopen at 12:00 p.m. If you need to come between the hours the doors are locked, please use the intercom at the WEE School door. It is very important to have your child at school by 8:00 a.m. Please be prompt in picking up your child. There may be a fine of 50 cents per minute after 12:15 p.m.


The WEE School will follow the Wynne Public School Calendar with a few exceptions (Start Date and End of School Date). Any time the public schools are closed because of snow and ice, the WEE School will be closed also. Snow and ice closings will be announced on radio station KWYN or will be posted on this website. In the event the public schools will open late because of inclement weather conditions, the WEE School will make a decision that day. This will be announced on KWYN or on this website. Parents may pick up their children at any time. We ask that you do not call the school at these times unless it is absolutely necessary.


When bringing your child to school, please use one of the two approaches:

  • The parking lot on the north side of the building. Approach the carport from the Intermediate School side of the building. Please do not leave your car parked under the carport while you visit or conference with the teacher.

For the safety of the children and to not interfere with the school traffic, we ask that you keep to this one-way traffic pattern when dropping off or picking up your child.



The curriculum for the WEE School is carefully planned under the supervision of the WEE School Director. Teachers work from a flexible program, which gives each child the freedom to learn and pursue subjects until his/her own needs are met. Teachers constantly present new and challenging ideas to the children. The children are taught about God as Creator, Jesus as God’s only Son, and the Bible as God’s Word. In addition, they have a prayer of thanksgiving before refreshments.



The Wynne Baptist Church WEE School welcomes scheduled visits anytime. An open relationship with the director, teachers and parents is essential. If you feel at any time there is a problem, it is your responsibility to contact the Director. If any questionable confrontations should occur between a parent, teacher, or director, the problem will be addressed before the WEE School Board by the director and pastor. If the board deems it necessary then they will schedule a meeting with the parent.

Field Trips


Field trips are planned throughout the year.  A note will be sent home announcing each trip. A field trip permission slip must be filled out for each child at the beginning of the school year.


The children are covered by accident insurance while attending the School and field trips.


Due to licensing requirements, no transportation shall be provided to and from the WEE School except in case of emergency.

Guidelines and Discipline




The Wynne Baptist Church WEE School is committed to a method of discipline that shall not be frightening or physically harmful to children. It is expected that parents work with the teachers in developing positive self-discipline.

  • Conscious Discipline is our main policy of discipline in WEE School.  Conscious Discipline is built on the premise of developing discipline within children rather than applying discipline to them. All teachers and substitute teachers have been or are currently being trained in Conscious Discipline.
  • Behavior that is consistently distracting and harmful to the children or teacher will not be accepted and is considered inappropriate behavior. The WEE School teacher will communicate with the parents in the event of any discipline problem.
  • If the problem is not resolved, a parent-teacher conference will be scheduled. If after the conference, the child still displays unacceptable behavior, the child will be dismissed.
Reasons for Dismissal:
  • Consistent unacceptable behavior.
  • Continually disregarding health policies.
  • Ignoring past due tuition payments. (Any tuition payment not paid in full by the tenth of the month is considered past due.)
  • Biting, due to health reasons, is considered unacceptable behavior and could lead to the dismissal of a child.


All employees of the WEE School are mandated reporters under the child abuse law. If an employee suspects a case of child abuse or neglect, she/he will report this to the Director. The Director will in turn contact the Department of Human Services, or call the Abuse Hot Line.  If a child is suspected of being abused, all children of the Wee School are subject to be interviewed by Childcare Licensing, DCFS Special Investigations and law enforcement for investigative purposes.


Parents shall be informed in writing upon enrollment of their child that children may be subject to interviews by licensing staff, child maltreatment investigators and or law enforcement officials for the purpose of determining licensing compliance or for investigative purposes. Child interviews do not require parental notice or consent.

Health and Safety


All children are required to have a health record form on file before admission, showing that their immunizations are up-to-date.

Any child who shows signs of illness should not be sent to WEE School. Your child should remain home if he shows any of the following symptoms: elevated temperature, vomiting, diarrhea, sore throat, reddened eyes, rash, or listlessness. The parents shall be notified if his child’s physical condition causes the child discomfort or appears to endanger the other children. The parent shall then make arrangements to pick up the child.

If your child has vomited or run fever in the last 24 hours, please do not send your child to WEE School.

If the Director suspects a contagious condition may exist with a child, the parent will be notified.

Although we will do all that is possible to care for a child who becomes ill while at school, we do not have the facilities or extra personnel to care for sick children for an extended time. If you are unable to pick up your child, please make arrangements for a relative or friend to do so.

Head lice checks are done randomly during the school year.  Any child showing signs of head lice and/or nits will not be permitted to attend WEE School. After proper treatment, the child’s hair must be free from lice or nits. The director will determine the child’s re-entry into the WEE School facility.

All children will go out to the playground unless the parent brings a note requesting otherwise. We go outside when it is cold, but will stay indoors during extreme weather.

Medication and special procedures will be administered to a child in the school only by the child’s parent or legal guardian.

In case of slight injuries at the School, a staff member will administer first aid. In case of more serious injury, parents will be notified immediately and necessary steps will be taken to obtain medical aid. The school emergency form serves as a guide in case of illness or injury. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with emergency numbers that can be reached at all times.

School - Home Cooperation


All WEE School children are to be taken to their room by the parents or designated person upon arrival.  Please be sure your child is in his/her room before you leave.

The parent is to notify the school of a change in telephone number, job, address or any other information that is different from that recorded at registration. This will ensure prompt notification of parents if the need arises.

The WEE School has no legal authority to refuse either parent the right to pick up their child unless a court has granted temporary or permanent custody to one parent or a third party and the WEE School has been furnished with a copy of such decree.

There will be two scheduled parent – teacher conferences throughout the year. If you would like to have an additional parent-teacher conference, please schedule one with the teacher at a time that will be convenient to you both. A suggested time would be 12:15 p.m.

All children attending WEE School must be potty trained and in underwear. We do not have facilities or staff to take care of these needs. We understand that there are occasional accidents and those will be taken care of by the director.

The WEE School children may purchase WEE School T-shirts to be worn at all school functions.


This form will contain information regarding contacts, pickup authorizations and medical emergency information. Wynne Baptist Church WEE School will explicitly follow these guidelines as you direct on this sheet.  Any changes in instruction during the year must be made in writing.


Each child must bring a snack to school daily. Please send a nutritious snack—no candy. WEE School will provide juice or milk. Children love to bring snacks or treats on a day near their birthday. We encourage parents to do this for their child. When children bring treats, especially on their birthday, it makes them feel special. If your child has a summer birthday, we would like for you to choose a day during the school year for your child to bring and help serve refreshments for their birthday. Please let us know the week before you plan to do this.

Do not bring your child to school eating food or chewing gum. Please do not allow your child to bring food to school unless they bring enough to serve the entire class. There are exceptions; check with the Director.


Children are encouraged to bring things to share at anytime during the year, specifically favorite books or items relating to their unit topic.  However, please check with the teacher before sending anything.  No toys from home unless for special day designated by the teacher.  Be sure the item is durable and properly labeled with the child’s name. We ask that your child not be allowed to bring personal toys as there will be plenty of toys provided.

Children are asked to dress comfortably. All outer clothing, such as jackets or sweaters, should be plainly marked in order to prevent loss.

School Calendar

July 2024

29 – 2 | Staff Development

August 2024

5 | School Begins (MWF/M-F students)

5 | August Tuition Due

6 | School Begins (T-TH students)

6 | August Tuition Due

29 | Parent/Teacher Conference

30 | Student/Staff Holiday

September 2024

1 | September Tuition Due

2 | Labor Day Holiday

TBA | School Photos

October 2024

7-11 | Fall Break

TBA | Pumpkin Patch

30 | Harvest Party (MWF students)

31 | Harvest Party (M-F/T-TH students)

November 2024

1 | November Tuition Due

1 | Teacher In-Service Day

15 | Operation Christmas Child

15 | Good Shepherd Center

21 | Thanksgiving Feast

22 | Thanksgiving Feast

25-29 | Thanksgiving Vacation

December 2024

1 | December Tuition Due

16-17 | Christmas Parties

18 | Christmas Program (11:00am)

19-3 | Christmas Vacation begins

January 2025

1 | January Tuition Due

6 | Teacher In-Service Day

7 | School Resumes

20 | Student/Staff Holiday

29 | 100th Day Celebration

February 2025

1 | February Tuition Due

5-6 | Conscious Discipline Training (2’s/3’s)

11 | Valentine’s Parties (T/TH)

12 | Valentine’s Parties (M-F/MWF)

13 | Parent/Teacher Conference (In-House Registration)

14 | Teacher In-Service Day

17 | Student/Staff Holiday

18 | Fall PreRegistration Public

March 2025

1 | March Tuition Due

12-13 | Conscious Discipline Training (2’s/3’s)

21-28 | Spring Break

April 2024

1 | April Tuition Due

9-10 | Conscious Discipline Training (2’s/3’s)

19-21 | Student/Staff Holiday

TBA | Graduation Photos

TBA | St. Jude Trike-A-Thon

TBA | Memphis Zoo Trip

May 2025

1 | May Tuition Due

5-9 | Teacher Appreciation Week


19 | End of School Picnic (4’s)

20 | End of School Picnic (2’s/3’s)

21 | WEE School Graduation (11:00am)

22 | Teacher close out

Contact Us

We’d Love to Hear from You!

If you are interested in your child attending Wynne Baptist WEE School, have questions, or would like to drop by for a visit, please contact us anytime Monday through Friday 8 am until noon or send us an email via the link below.

Wynne Baptist Church WEE School
1200 Bridges Avenue East
Wynne, Arkansas 72396

phone: 870-238-8993
email: bratliff@wynnebaptist.org


The WEE School Director and the WEE School Committee approve all salaried and volunteer personnel. All personnel are responsible to the WEE School Director who is responsible to the Senior Pastor and the WEE School Committee.

The WEE School is operated for children who will be two and a half, three, or four years old by the 1st of August of the school year. All applications shall be accepted on a space-available basis only. Enrollment represents a full year (school term) commitment.

Beth Ratliff
Beth Ratliff


Mrs. Renee
Mrs. Renee

Assistant Director

Mrs. Nikki
Mrs. Nikki

Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Jeanette
Mrs. Jeanette

Music Teacher

Mrs. Addie
Mrs. Addie

4 year olds

Mrs. Holly
Mrs. Holly

4 year olds

Mrs. Kelly
Mrs. Kelly

4 year olds

Mrs. Maley
Mrs. Maley

4 year olds

Mrs. Terry
Mrs. Terry

4 year olds

Mrs. Tracey
Mrs. Tracey

4 Years Old

Mrs. Neely
Mrs. Neely

3 Year Olds

Mrs. Kay
Mrs. Kay

3 year olds

Mrs. Karissa
Mrs. Karissa

2 and 3 year olds

Mrs. Sydney
Mrs. Sydney

3 year olds

Mrs. Carly
Mrs. Carly

2 Year Olds

Mrs. Wendy
Mrs. Wendy

Support Staff